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Optimise Your FeNO Testing with NIOX

Optimise Your FeNO Testing with NIOX

Optimise Your FeNO Testing with NIOX®

FeNO testing is a vital tool in the diagnosis of asthma and being able to provide effective patient care.

The more accurate the results of a FeNO test, the better understanding of an individual’s condition. The better the understanding, the more effective your care and treatment plan can be.

Trusted by thousands of healthcare professionals and used in millions of tests worldwide, NIOX® is designed to make FeNO testing as simple and reliable as possible.

How NIOX® optimises treatment


In one breath, NIOX VERO® can diagnose patients, reduce exacerbations, and uncover non-adherence to Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS).

These results can then provide the basis for a tailored treatment plan which maximises the potential for a successful outcome.

As patients inhale through the breathing handle, ambient NO and excess humidity are removed from the breath, ensuring the exhalation reflects their true FeNO level.

Accuracy is enhanced further by the Flow Rate Control™, which helps patients to easily perform a steady exhalation throughout the test.

This is very important as exhaling too quickly or too slowly can affect the level of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the patient's exhaled air.

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Why is FeNO testing so important?


FeNO stands for fractional exhaled nitric oxide and correlates directly with the level of inflammation in patients’ lungs. FeNO is the only biomarker of airway inflammation where results are available immediately at the point of care.

All asthma patients have underlying airway inflammation.1,2Lung function tests are not enough to make a confident diagnosis.3,4

Studies have found at up to 33% of adults and 50% of children and are incorrectly diagnosed with asthma, and almost 70% of asthmatics remain undiagnosed.5,6,7

Incorporating FeNO testing into your clinical routine could help improve diagnostic accuracy, optimise patient care and ensure more effective treatment.8,9



How quickly do results appear?

NIOX® displays results in rapid time. The device analyses the breath sample and displays the FeNO result as a single number in approximately 1 minute.


Can NIOX® be used on children?

Yes. NIOX VERO® can be used on children aged 4+ to adult patients with severely reduced lung function.10,11,12

To maximise accessibility and aid compliance among children, three engaging animations with sound helps guide your patients to a successful test whatever their age.

A choice of two exhalation modes (six-second and 10-second) can also make it easier to test different patients.


How often does NIOX® need servicing?

NEVER. The sensors work from the first test to the last test and are accurate throughout their lifetime, so there is no need to ever return the device for calibration or servicing.

Whenever you need a new sensor, replace instantly and simply resume testing.

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1) National Health Service (NHS). Asthma. Available at;
2) American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI). Asthma. 2023. Available at;
3) Hanania NA et al. Measurement of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in real-world clinical practice alters asthma treatment decisions. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018;120(4):414-418.
4) Smith AD et al. Diagnosing asthma: comparisons between exhaled nitric oxide measurements and conventional tests. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004;169(4):473-8
5) Aaron SD et al. Reevaluation of diagnosis in adults with physician-diagnosed asthma. JAMA. 2017;317(3):269-279. 
6) Kavanagh J et al. Over- and under-diagnosis in asthma. Breathe (Sheff). 2019;15(1):e20-e27.
7) Nolte H et al. Unawareness and undertreatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis in a general population. Respiratory medicine. 2006 Feb 1;100(2):354-62.allergic rhinitis in a general population
8) Busse WW et al. Baseline FeNO as a prognostic biomarker for subsequent severe asthma exacerbations in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma receiving placebo in the LIBERTY ASTHMA QUEST study: a post-hoc analysis. Lancet Respir Med. 2021;9(10):1165-1173.
9) Price DB et al. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide as a predictor of response to inhaled corticosteroids in patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms and insignificant bronchodilator reversibility: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2017;6(1):29-39.
10) Alving K et al. Validation of a new portable exhaled nitric oxide analyzer, NIOX VERO®: randomized studies in asthma. Pulm Ther. 2017;3:207-218.
11) Donohue JF et al. Characterization of airway inflammation in patients with COPD using fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels: a pilot study. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2014:745-51.
12) Circassia Ltd. Product Labelling Summary NIOX VERO®. 2020.